Monday, November 19, 2007

Montfort Rugby Code of Conduct

Requirements of being a Good Sport

  • Play hard but play by the rules.
  • Never question the referee and always accept decisions made on the field.
  • Recognise positive contributions made by team-mates and opposition.
  • If watching a game, or whilst being a reserve, only make positive comments from the sideline.
  • If you have any issues regarding opposition players or spectators these should be directed to your teachers-in-charge (Mr Vincent Toh, Mr Vincent Yong or Mr Jasbir Singh) or the coach.
  • Never take the law into your own hands.
  • The school and/or judicial committee of the sport will view foul play very seriously.
  • Montfort Secondary has a proud tradition of fair play and this reputation will continue in the future
  • Co-operation with your team-mates.
  • Be positive towards your team-mates and compliment positive play.
  • Commitment to a sport requires you to attend all trainings, meetings and games.
  • All players must attend all trainings and all team meetings.
  • If a player cannot attend training, he must personally see any of the teachers-in-charge to excuse himself from practice.
  • If a student is absent from school he should ring any of his teachers-in-charge to inform him he will not be at practice.
  • Follow the teachers-in-charge/coaches instructions and be a valuable team member
  • Please remember all coaching is done on a voluntary basis, make your coaches job as easy as possible by being appreciative and committed to your team.
  • If your team is coached/managed by a parent or outside person show the same respect as you would to your teachers.
  • The coach and team relies on your commitment to make Montfort Rugby as powerhouse.
  • Any injury sustained at training or in games, which require medical attention should be reported to the teachers-in-charge/coach.
  • Any injury that requires a student to stay in hospital should be reported to the teachers-in-charge who will keep the HOD (PE/CCA) duly informed.